Author Archives: Mohammad Irfan

Clarissa joins CALAS as a Summer Intern

Warm welcome Clarissa. International exchange student, Clarissa, from the University of Edinburgh has joined CityU EE Dept as a summer intern. Dr. Ray, John, and Irfan are welcoming her in the research lab.

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CENG Outstanding Teaching Award – won by Dr. Ray

Dr. Ray has been awarded the CENG Outstanding Teaching Award 2019-20 by the College of Engineering. From the EE department, there are only two awardees including him. He is famous among EE students for his in-depth advice on final year … Continue reading

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Dr. David’s paper in TCAS I – Accepted

Congratulations to Dr. David Hu about his paper “Compact Code-based Signature for Reconfigurable Devices with Side-Channel Resilience” that has been accepted in IEEE TCAS I for publication.

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Another CALAS Graduate at top Position – SJTU

Congratulations Dr. David Hoo, CALAS 2018 PhD Graduate. Dr. David has secured an Assistant professorship position starting from April 2020 at Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU), School of EEE.

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Muhammad Irfan’s work filed as US Patent

Congratulations to CALAS Team. PhD Student Muhammad Irfan’s work on “Reconfigurable TCAM in FPGAs” filed as United States Non-Provisional Patent Application assigning the application number  16/671,669. The inventers are Muhammad Irfan, Dr. Ray Cheung, and Dr. Zahid Ullah.  

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Muhammad Irfan presented paper in Shenzhen

PhD student Muhammad Irfan presented a research paper in the special track of IoT in IEEE MSN 2019 conference, which was held in PolyU base building in Shenzhen.  

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Dr. Patrick Hung, Stanford PhD, joining the next CALAS research meeting

We welcome Dr. Patrick Hung, CALAS Advisor, in our group meeting. Dr. Hung has continuously given support and advice to our team for years. He received his bachelor from HK, and PhD from Stanford University. He was previously consulting faculty at Stanford … Continue reading

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Jack and Muhammad Irfan – got Outstanding Academic Performance Award (OAPA)

Our Ph.D. students, Jack Xu and Muhammad Irfan, have received Outstanding Academic Performance Award (OAPA). The awardees will be given a cash prize of HK$1,000.

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Muhammad Irfan received Research Tuition Scholarship

Ph.D. Student Muhammad Irfan has got Research Tuition Scholarship for the year 2019-2010. In this connection, the tuition fee for his Academic Year 2019-2020 will be waived.

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