Our master student John Zhang receives the National Youth Innovation Award 2020

The National Youth Innovation Award aims to award those students with outstanding technical innovations. The number of awardees is about 100 per year all over the country. The reward is 5000 China Yuan for each awardee from primary schools and middle schools, and 20000 China Yuan for each undergraduate and graduate student.

John received the bachelor degree in EE Department of CityU. He is now a full-time RA in CALAS and a part-time master student in EE Department of CityU. He is jointly supervised by Dr. Ray Cheung and Dr. Alan Lam. Congratulations to him!


張一清同學在香港城市大學電機工程系獲得本科學位。他現在是CALAS實驗室的研究助理,同時還在攻讀香港城市大學電機工程系的碩士學位。他由Dr. Ray Cheung和Dr. Alan Lam共同指導。 恭喜張一清同學獲得該榮譽!

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