Dr. Ray is granted as young research leader by WCC

Congratulations! Dr. Ray Cheung Chak-chung recently have been granted as young research leader by World Cultural Council (WCC). The WCC Award Ceremony will be held on 8 November 2018 (Thursday) at CityU. On this occasion, the WCC will grant special acknowledgements to young researchers and scholars from Hong Kong who have performed outstandingly in the fields of science, education or arts. Dr. Ray is one of the nine promising young research leaders recognized by WCC.

WCC is a non-profit international organisation based in Mexico that grants an annual Albert Einstein World Award of Science, and the biennial José Vasconcelos World Award of Education and the Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts to personalities who have recorded outstanding achievements in related fields. The final objective is to promote tolerance, peace and fraternity, seeking to encourage the use of science, art and education to further the well-being of humanity.

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